Does anyone know of a web site where I can find a list of 32-bit MIPS instructions/opcodes, with the following features:
I am aware of numerous web sites which document "part of" the instruction set, mostly for teaching purposes. They tend to leave out or only partially describe floating-point and privileged instructions.
In case you're wondering, I'm looking at Verilog code for a MIPS processor subset, and trying to figure out exactly to what extent it complies with the instruction sets of any real MIPS processors!
I can only partially answer the question: I'd recommend See MIPS Run by Dominic Sweetman, if you're not already referring to it. I have the first edition of the book, the second edition is now current.
The first edition mentions the kernel. supervisor, and user privilege levels but does not discuss what operations are allowed in each. I do not know what changes were made in the second edition.