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Vim neocomplcache: disable usage prompt

I am using Vim with neocomplcache plugin, its feature of usage prompt while completion confused me so much.

It behaved like this: I typed <C-X><C-U> when the cursor was at the end of os.path., then not only completion candidates was listed under the line, but also a horizontal split which contained docstring of the first candidate appeared at the top. My question is: how to get rid of this feature so that I only get code completion without the usage prompt?

enter image description here


  • It's all because preview is in completeopt by default, you can see its value by type command :set completeopt and the result should be completeopt=menu,preview.

    What we need is just menu, so cut the preview, add this line in your vimrc:

    set completeopt-=preview

    vim help reference:

                            *'completeopt'* *'cot'*
    'completeopt' 'cot' string  (default: "menu,preview")
                {not available when compiled without the
                |+insert_expand| feature}
                {not in Vi}
        A comma separated list of options for Insert mode completion
        |ins-completion|.  The supported values are:
           menu     Use a popup menu to show the possible completions.  The
                menu is only shown when there is more than one match and
                sufficient colors are available.  |ins-completion-menu|
           menuone  Use the popup menu also when there is only one match.
                Useful when there is additional information about the
                match, e.g., what file it comes from.
           longest  Only insert the longest common text of the matches.  If
                the menu is displayed you can use CTRL-L to add more
                characters.  Whether case is ignored depends on the kind
                of completion.  For buffer text the 'ignorecase' option is
           preview  Show extra information about the currently selected
                completion in the preview window.  Only works in
                combination with "menu" or "menuone".