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How can I refresh my razor view on AJAX post

Helo all,

I am able to post to controller using, but on success how can I make my view refresh with new data.

Do I need to usn @Html.BeginForm to do this?

This is my view.

    <p>Order lines allocates to <b>@Model.Name (@Model.Code) </b>

@if (Model.OrderLineAllocations.Any())
             columns: grid.Columns(
                 grid.Column(header: "Dispatched", style: "row-selector", format: @<text><input name="chkSelected" class="myCheckbox" onclick="expandableEvent(this)" type="checkbox" value="@item.IdAllocation" /></text>),
                 grid.Column(header: "Order Ref", format: item => item.OrderLineItem.OrderLine.Order.OrderRef)
             tableStyle: "expandable-table",
             rowStyle: "expandable-master-row",
             htmlAttributes: new { id = "gridLineAllocations" })
    <br />
    <input type="hidden" id="hidUnselectedValues" name="hidUnselectedValues" />
    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Dispacth" id="btnDispacth" />
    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Revert" id="btnRevert" />
    @Html.Raw("No records found....");

And this is my ajax post

$(document).ready(function() {
    unSelected = [];

function dipatchAllocations() {
    var objInputEmail = $("#hidUnselectedValues");

    if (objInputEmail != null) {
        var id = objInputEmail.val();
        if ((id != null) && (id != "")) {
                type: 'POST',
                url: '/Batch/GetData',
                data: '{ "allocationId" : "' + id + '","batchId" : "' + @Model.Id + '" }',
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                traditional: true,
                success: subscribed,
                error: errorInSubscribing
        } else {
            alert('Please enter a valid email address in order to subscribe.');

This is my controller action

public ActionResult GetData(long[] allocationId,long batchId)
    var model = context.GetData(batchId)
    model.Name = "asdaksdjaksdj";
    return View("Finalize", model);

I am having some idea, I have to do that on success call back. But I am not sure how to bind my updated model to the view at client side.



  • There is no simple "rebind" method inside mvc, it's still html, css and js at the end.
    I see 2 options to achieve desired behaviour.

    option 1. Override rendered content with the result of POST

    In this case your View will look similar to:

    <div id="content">
        <p>Order lines allocates to <b>@Model.Name (@Model.Code) </b>
        @Html.Raw("No records found....");

    On javascript:

        type: 'POST',
        url: '/Batch/GetData',
        dataType: "html",
        success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){

    option 2. Fill rendered html from javascript on every load

    This will require to move Razor logic to javascript. Your view will look like:

        <p>Order lines allocates to <b id="NameAndCode"></b>

    And javascript will fill the gaps:

      var model = {
        NameAndCode: "@Model.Name (@Model.Code)"
    var fillView = function(data){
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/Batch/GetData',
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){

    It's just a small piece just to show the idea.

    It depends on case which option to choose.