I am newbie in C++ and cocos2d-x, so i do not understand why it's wrong. Code
MainLayer::ccTouchesBegan(CCSet *pTouches, CCEvent *pEvent)
// Get any touch and convert the touch position to in-game position.
CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)pTouches->anyObject();
CCPoint position = touch->locationInView();
position = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL(position);
This is code of function.
Ship::setMove(CCPoint *newPosition)
As you can see it uses CCPoint type as parameter, but it fails with position Header:
class Ship : public AnimatedObject
bool init(const char* frameName, CCSpriteBatchNode* pSpriteSheet);
void setMove(CCPoint* newPosition);
void move();
* A CCMoveTo action set in the move() method.
cocos2d::CCFiniteTimeAction* __pMoveAction;
* This value specifies the ship's speed.
float __speed;
* This value specifies position to which the ship should move.
* It's set in touch events callbacks in MainLayer class.
CCPoint __move;
What am I doing wrong? Why this code fails to converting CCPoints?
__pShip->setMove(&position); // Address-of
Or change the function itself:
Ship::setMove(CCPoint newPosition) // better: const CCPoint& newPosition
__move = newPosition;
If CCPoint
is a small class, use by value (as shown), or if it is larger (copy is expensive), use the commented prototype.