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Upgrading Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

I have been using the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers for Juno (4.2 SR1) that I had downloaded from the eclipse site as the custom binary. With the slowness that haunts Juno, this is almost unusable. The eclipse team is making fixes which they are advertising as being made available on their milestone builds. Can someone please guide me as to:

  1. Whether one can upgrade the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers to pick up relevant changes from the milestones update site?
  2. If yes, how are conflicts resolved?

I tried adding an update site for Juno milestones and tried an upgrade for the Eclipse platform as mentioned here
After calculating dependencies, it gave details as to why it can't proceed which I wasn't able to decipher.

Your original request has been modified.
  "Eclipse Platform" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
  Software being installed: Eclipse Platform 4.2.2.M20121121-1200 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 4.2.2.M20121121-1200)
  Software currently installed: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
  Only one of the following can be installed at once: 
    Eclipse Workbench User Guide 4.2.0.v20120829-072800 (org.eclipse.platform.doc.user 4.2.0.v20120829-072800)
    Eclipse Workbench User Guide 4.2.0.v20120912-144258 (org.eclipse.platform.doc.user 4.2.0.v20120912-144258)
    Eclipse Workbench User Guide 4.2.0.v20120606-135340 (org.eclipse.platform.doc.user 4.2.0.v20120606-135340)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
    To: []
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Java EE IDE Feature (
    To: [4.2.1.v20120814-120134-9JF7BHVGFyMveli1uX6aTH0q-eAap6PAgOP5mO]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Platform 4.2.1.v20120814-120134-9JF7BHVGFyMveli1uX6aTH0q-eAap6PAgOP5mO ( 4.2.1.v20120814-120134-9JF7BHVGFyMveli1uX6aTH0q-eAap6PAgOP5mO)
    To: org.eclipse.platform.doc.user [4.2.0.v20120829-072800]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Platform 4.2.1.v20121115-222257-9LF7DHVKG-F1itrD-OMdQj0FBElP-MWn4gn9s_ ( 4.2.1.v20121115-222257-9LF7DHVKG-F1itrD-OMdQj0FBElP-MWn4gn9s_)
    To: org.eclipse.platform.doc.user [4.2.0.v20120912-144258]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Platform 4.2.2.M20121121-1200 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 4.2.2.M20121121-1200)
    To: [4.2.1.v20121115-222257-9LF7DHVKG-F1itrD-OMdQj0FBElP-MWn4gn9s_]

Can someone please help me out? I thought of hitting the eclipse forums as well, but thought might get a quicker response out here.

Thanks in advance!


  • From,

    1. Help>Install New Software

    2. use the site: junoSR1Patch

    3. select Eclipse UI Juno SR1 Optimizations, install, and restart

    All fixes are also in Kepler builds, however the next Kepler milestone isn't for a few more weeks yet. Your best bet is to install the official patch candidate, which works for all EPP packages as well as Eclipse "classic" SDK