Search code examples

Should I call str_replace() with an array of search strings or call str_replace() over and over for each search string?

When converting new line characters to HTML break (<br>)

What is Cleaner to use?

str_replace(array("\r\n", "[br]", "\r"), '<br>', $Content);


str_replace("\r\n", '<br>', $Content);
str_replace("[br]", '<br>', $Content);
str_replace("\r", '<br>', $Content);

I've been using the first method, but a friend of mine said that the way I currently use is more sloppy in terms of processing.

I'm using the formatting in a function; so

function Formatting ($Content)
 $Content = str_replace(array("\r\n", "[br]", "\r"), '<br>', $Content);
 return $Content;


  • I would tweak this one myself (from the user notes in the manual page

     * Converts newlines and break tags to an
     * arbitrary string selected by the user,
     * defaults to PHP_EOL.
     * In the case where a break tag is followed by
     * any amount of whitespace, including \r and \n,
     * the tag and the whitespace will be converted
     * to a single instance of the line break argument.
     * @author Matthew Kastor
     * @param string $string
     *   string in which newlines and break tags will be replaced
     * @param string $line_break
     *   replacement string for newlines and break tags
     * @return string
     *   Returns the original string with newlines and break tags
     *   converted
    function convert_line_breaks($string, $line_break=PHP_EOL) {
        $patterns = array(   
                            "/(<br>|<br \/>|<br\/>)\s*/i",
        $replacements = array(   
        $string = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $string);
        return $string;