I am building an iOS app using Rubymotion and when I run the project in the simulator I get this error:
app_delegate.rb:31:in `application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:': NSInvalidArgumentException: -[NSNull pointSize]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1639cd8 (RuntimeError)
But when I run it on the device it does not crash. I got iOS 6 on the device and iOS5 on the simulator.
This is the line that crashes:
When I comment out all instances of setTitleTextAttributes in the app it works. This is a few examples of how I use it:
aboutController.tabBarItem.setTitleTextAttributes({UITextAttributeFont => tabFont}, forState:UIControlStateNormal)
aboutNavController.navigationBar.setTitleTextAttributes({UITextAttributeFont => titleFont})
I guess it is a iOS5 issue? Am I using it correctly?
I believe your navigationBar titleTextAttributes need to be set like an accessor:
aboutNavController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = {UITextAttributeFont => titleFont}
Apple docs reference: