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JSHint not working with Vim

Using Ubuntu 12.

I installed jshint with

sudo npm install jshint -g

which jshint

shows /usr/local/bin/jshint, which is also in the PATH variable

Then, I downloaded and put it in ~/.vim/bundle/jshint.vim (I am using Pathogen)

Now, when opening a js-File, such as

vim test.js

errors are not detected.


results in "Not an editor command: JSHint"


results in, well, nothing.. I don't really see what that command is for, anyway..

I am a vim noob, but other pathogen bundles seem to work, so I do not really know what is not working here..


  • The default way to install plugins is to put their individual pieces in some subdirectories of your ~/.vim/ directory. Taking this plugin as example:


    The :Helptags command is used to generate the index (tags) used by Vim to navigate through the documentation of third party plugins. You are supposed to use it like that:

    :Helptags ~/.vim/doc

    The idea behind Pathogen and other plugin managers is that each plugin should be in its own directory rather than be scattered through your ~/.vim/ directory. In Pathogen's case (and others followed, but there's no standard), that's the bundle directory: ~/.vim/bundle/.

    Therefore, the correct location for your plugin should be:


    In order for pathogen to work its magic, you are supposed to add these two lines to your ~/.vimrc:

    silent! call pathogen#infect()
    silent! call pathogen#helptags()

    The first line takes care of "registering" and loading each plugin found in ~/.vim/bundle/. The second line indexes their documentation, the equivalent of :Helptags … that you don't need to run, then.


    1. Make sure Pathogen is installed and configured correctly.

    2. Install the JSHint plugin where it should be.

    3. ?

    4. Enjoy writing JavaScript in Vim!

    To run :JSHint on the current buffer every time you write it, add this line to your ~/.vimrc:

    autocmd! BufWritePost *.js JSHint