I just updated my ADT plugin for Ecipse to v21 but after a restart it is not working.
Somehow the plugin's are version 21.0.0.v201210310015-519525, but the SDK verification is telling me that I am on v20.2.v201207191942-407447 and forcing me to update.
I've tried removing the plugin but that's not possible trough the help > about > Installation details. Reverting back to older installations let me reinstall the update but with the same result.
Im using Eclipse Juno 20120614-1722
can anyone point me in the direction to fix this?
As it turned out, Windows 7 UAC was at play here. I thought i was running eclipse as admin, but i wasn't. What the strange part is, is that Eclipse tried to install the updates but fails without ever mentioning that it does not have the right to changes files without administrative rights. the next time you boot up, the installation thinks its updated but the files are not.
As it turned out, Windows 7 UAC was at play here. I thought i was running eclipse as admin, but i wasn't. What the strange part is, is that Eclipse tried to install the updates but fails without ever mentioning that it does not have the right to changes files without administrative rights. the next time you boot up, the installation thinks its updated but the files are not.