For software development one often needs images. But when I start working on an image I very fast end up with dozens of versions, like so
By now I have 6 different image files floating around, and nobody but me knows the process behind them.
So the question is: How do you handle images in the development process?
Edit: Thx for all the great input. I combined various questions to my own personal best answer. But I accepted jiinx0r's answer because it really contained the missing idea for me to apply a naming convention for the kind of changes done.
file naming should be handled via a naming convention.
{name}-{mod type}-{size}-{version}-{create date}.png
the real point is to create an agreed on convention that people see the value in following (however simple/complex is necessary for your group). In my organization we do this for input/output datafiles, images, scripts, etc. (not the same convention necessarily for all, but that they follow something that was agree upon)
Hope that helps.