For my ASP.Net-based Tridion2011-powered site i need to replace standard generated <tridion:ComponentLink/> with some <custom:ComponentLink/>.
(Let's assume this custom control's semantics is the same, that is: only need to replace namespace part.)
What will be the simplest and least intrusive way to do this?
My guess is that i should implement an alternative to standard LinkTagHandler. Is it correct?
The only [infinitesimal] downside of this solution is that it will require explicitly configuring all tag handlers in cd_deployer_conf.
Found a dumb simple solution to the very specific task of aliasing namespace only:
<Property Name="aspnet.tagprefix" Value="custom"/>
By a lucky chance all my <tcdl:../>
tags got mapped to <custom:../>
, otherwise, this little cheat not gonna work.
Overall, i'm rather in favor of Peter's and Nuno's suggestions of creating custom TCDL tag handler..
(Just need to win over my laziness:-).
Oops, just noticed, that Nuno suggests exactly the above!
You can easily control the prefix by changing it in the cd_deployer_conf (in the TCDLEngine element).
Obviously, you'll need to take care of implementing the control/tag handler for that prefix, and republish every page/dcp that should use it.