I need to count result rows of MySql query. here I extended TableGateway
class to my class this is my code.
public function get_num_of_rows(){
$sql = 'SELECT count(q_no) FROM questions';
//code ????????????????
$result = $this->select();
return $result;
So how I execute SELECT count(q_no) FROM questions
There is no need to write own sql query. When you do $this->select(), you get an instance of Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet. ResultSet has method count.
$result = $this->select();
return $result->count();
But do not forget to add 'options' => array('buffer_results' => true)
to your DB adapter.
It is the stupidest thing I've ever written somewhere. Always return from resource required only data. Here you need 1 scalar only. So https://stackoverflow.com/a/13810175/1353837 is correct.