i have this Query :
SELECT a.*, a.id AS id_player, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `vd7qw_footsal_goals` WHERE a.id = id_player AND g.id = id_group) AS goals,
team.* FROM `vd7qw_footsal_players` AS a
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_teams AS team ON team.id= a.id_team
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_teamofgroup AS tog ON tog.id_team = team.id 4
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_groups AS g ON g.id = tog.id_group
WHERE g.id IN (SELECT id_group from `vd7qw_footsal_groupofleague` WHERE id_league = 2)
AND (a.state IN (1)) AND goals > 0 ORDER BY goals DESC
and i want to filter its resaults by players that have goals
the above query have error in this part goals > 0
i don't know how to do that can any1 help me ?
Try this:
(SELECT a.*, a.id AS id_player, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `vd7qw_footsal_goals` WHERE a.id = id_player AND g.id = id_group) AS goals,
team.* FROM `vd7qw_footsal_players` AS a
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_teams AS team ON team.id= a.id_team
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_teamofgroup AS tog ON tog.id_team = team.id 4
LEFT JOIN vd7qw_footsal_groups AS g ON g.id = tog.id_group
WHERE g.id IN (SELECT id_group FROM `vd7qw_footsal_groupofleague` WHERE id_league = 2)
AND (a.state IN (1))) AS A WHERE goals > 0 ORDER BY goals DESC