I have implemented a Facebook Comment plugin in a page tab. I am not able to see several comments in it. Till yesterday there were 88 comment now suddenly there are only 39 comments. If I check moderator view I can see more than 100 comments but in public view cannot see comments more than half of the comments. I have kept all comments to be public by default. I tried to figure out various reason that could be behind it but I still have no success. I have on e suspicion that someone has deliberately marked many comments as spam and hence facebook is hiding it. Though I believe at least the admin should be able to see it.
The Comment plugin points to this url : http://rcomsocialapps.com/netconnect_journey/comment.html
Even at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments i can see 100+ comments in public View
But the page where I hosted the plugin I see only 39 Comments : https://rcomsocialapps.com/netconnect_journey/postlike.php
Similar to unresolved Facebook Bug reported here -> https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/503273333023849?browse=search_50b496567d5059328231776