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eliminate known audio from recorded sound to estimate background sound level via deconvolution

i have 2 signals, one containing audio data which is played on speakers. second one contains mic data recording the speakers simultaneously.

what ive done so far: align signals in time domain via correlation. apply fft on overlapping part of both signals and divide one by the other in order to achieve deconvolution.
what am i doing wrong as the resulting audiodata is useless.

here is my code:

       //put both signals in split complex vectors
       vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *)file, 2, &fftFileData, 1, nOver2);
       vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *)mic, 2, &fftMicData, 1, nOver2);

        //fft of both file and mic data
        vDSP_fft_zrip(fftSetup, &fftFileData, 1, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
        vDSP_fft_zrip(fftSetup, &fftMicData, 1, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);

        //divide file data by mic data for deconvolution???
        vDSP_zvdiv(&fftFileData, 1, &fftMicData, 1, &fftMicData, 1, nOver2);  

        //inverse fft of mic-fft-data
        vDSP_fft_zrip(fftSetup, &fftMicData, 1, log2n, FFT_INVERSE);

        //scale back signal
        vDSP_vsmul(fftMicData.realp, 1, &scale, fftMicData.realp, 1, nOver2);
        vDSP_vsmul(fftMicData.imagp, 1, &scale, fftMicData.imagp, 1, nOver2);

        //copy back to float array
        vDSP_ztoc(&fftMicData, 1, (COMPLEX *) result, 2, nOver2);

edit for a little clarification: thanks to @Sammio2 i now know, that deconvolution describes my problem very well:


h is my recorded signal, consisting of

f, my signal i wish to recover and

g, my playback signal recorded in addition which i know, but was modified by the speaker->mic roundtrip most likely

now i need any way to recover f which is all the sound recorded in addition to g.

important: in the end i don't need a clear signal of f, just information about its loudness or level of presence. basically the noise level besides the recorded roundtrip signal g.

how should i proceed to gather my desired noise level information?

i hope this helps to understand my problem. thanks so far!


  • With vDSP_zvsub you're just doing a complex subtraction at each bin, which is probably not what you want.

    It's not clear exactly what you're trying to achieve, but it sounds like you want to subtract the magnitude of one spectrum from the other, in which case you would need to do the following:

    • convert each complex frequency domain spectrum from complex to polar (magnitude + phase)
    • subtract the magnitudes at each bin
    • convert the resulting polar data back to complex