I'm working on my first script-fu and scheme is still not very clear for me.
My script works fine but I want to add an other parameter (onlyvisible) and I have a line causing illegal function error in a certain place but not in an other place.
Thank you for your help :-)
Here is my line:
(display " onlyvisible: ")(display onlyvisible)(newline)
Here is my code:
(define (pitibalrog-test img filename onlyvisible)
(imgcopy (car ( gimp-image-duplicate img))) ; Copy to avoid changes on the original image
(display " onlyvisible: ")(display onlyvisible)(newline)
(pitibalrog-export-layers imgcopy (gimp-image-get-layers imgcopy) filename onlyvisible)
(define (pitibalrog-export-layers img listlayers filename onlyvisible)
(nblayers (car listlayers))
(layers (cadr listlayers))
(display "EXPORT LAYERS: LAYERS = ")(display layers)(newline)
(display " onlyvisible: ")(display onlyvisible)(newline) ; <--- HERE IT WORKS
(index 0)
(basename (unbreakupstr (butlast (strbreakup filename ".")) "."))
(extension (car (last (strbreakup filename "."))))
(display " onlyvisible: ")(display onlyvisible)(newline) ; <--- HERE IS THE PROBLEM
(while (< index nblayers)
(set! layer (aref layers index))
(gimp-item-set-visible layer FALSE)
(set! index (+ index 1))
(set! index 0)
(while (< index nblayers)
(set! layer (aref layers index))
(set! filename (string-append basename (car(gimp-drawable-get-name layer)) "." extension))
(pitibalrog-export-layer img layer filename onlyvisible)
(set! index (+ index 1))
(define (pitibalrog-export-layer img layer filename onlyvisible)
(display " - export layer: ")(display layer)(newline)
(gimp-item-set-visible layer TRUE)
(when (= (car(gimp-item-is-group layer)) 1)
(display "Layer ")(display layer)(display " is a group")(newline)
(pitibalrog-export-layers img (gimp-item-get-children layer) filename onlyvisible)
(when (= (car(gimp-item-is-group layer)) 0)
(display "Layer ")(display layer)(display " is not a group")(newline)
; (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img layer filename filename) ; NO MASK HANDLING!!!
(gimp-file-save RUN-WITH-LAST-VALS img layer filename filename)
(gimp-item-set-visible layer FALSE)
(script-fu-register "pitibalrog-test"
"Export all layers of the image in separete files" ;comment
"pitiBalrog" ;author
"pitiBalrog" ;copyright
"November 2012" ;date
SF-IMAGE "img" 0
SF-FILENAME "destination" ""
SF-TOGGLE "Export only visible layers" TRUE
Disclaimer: I have never done any work with script-fu, so I have no idea what those script-fu specific procedures do. Scheme, however, I can do.
Please look closely at the syntax required for the let
special form:
(let <List of forms that assign values>
I think your main problem comes from the fact that in scheme you are allowed to change the value of almost anything -- there are very few reserved words like other languages. So, when you say (let ((display 3)) <body>)
, display
no longer points to the procedure that displays things to the REPL. Then, in the body of your let*
when you say (display " onlyvisible")
you're trying to call something as a function that is not a function -- in this case whatever the value of layers
In general, all code that needs to do something like display
should be in body of the function. For example:
(let ((foo 3) ; associate symbol foo with the value 3
(bar "I'm a string!") ; associate symbol bar with a string
(* '(a b c))) ; associate symbol * with a list '(a b c)
(display foo) ;\
(newline) ; \
(display bar)) ; }-- expressions that make up the body
(newline) ; /
(display *) ; /
(* 3 4)) ;/ --- this is the same type of error you made
I'm a string!
(a b c)
ERROR -- invalid function
Finally, please do not format scheme code as you would C or Java, etc. Here is the schemer-friendly version of your first procedure:
(define (pitibalrog-test img filename onlyvisible)
(let ((img copy (car (gimp-image-duplicate img))))
(display " onlyvisible: ")
(display onlyvisible)
(pitibalrog-export-layers imgcopy (gimp-image-get-layers imgcopy) filename onlyvisible)))
Well formatted code makes schemers happy and you are more likely to receive speedy help.