I was hoping I could inherit off an activerecord model, and use the subclass as I could the parent class. This does not appear to be the case, the AR relationships do not appear to work for the subclass.
class Manager < User
belongs_to :shop
class Shop < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :managers
class PremiumShop < Shop
@premium_shop = manager.shop # Finds the shop.
@premium_shop = manager.premium_shop # Does not find the shop, NilClass:Class error
Is it possible to make this work?
The shop
method exists for some instance of the Manager
class because of the association you defined through the belongs_to
. You have no premium_shop
method defined on your Manager
model, thus the NilClass
If you want to define such an association for the PremiumShop
class, you must explicitly specify this.
belongs_to :premium_shop, class_name: "PremiumShop", foreign_key: :shop_id
Depending on your needs, you might also consider researching "rails single table inheritance".