After saving a new pod item, I want to redirect the user to the detail page of the newly created record. How can I achieve this?
I tried using post_save hooks but it didn't work. I used the following code:
function redirect_to_detail($data, $is_new_item) {
$pod_type = $data['params']['pod'];
$id = $data['params']['id'];
wp_redirect( home_url() . "/{$pod_type}/{$id}" ); exit;
add_filter('pods_api_post_save_pod_item', 'redirect_to_detail', 10, 2);
The pod item is created by a shortcode like this:
[pods name="egitim" form="1" fields="name, salon" label="Kaydet"]
Try this:
[pods name="egitim" form="1" fields="name, salon" label="Kaydet" thank_you="/egitim/X_ID_X/"]