I wrote a code use CoreText layout some texts like picture below. Red rectangle is text area, black rectangle is empty for images or other objects. I use kCTFrameClippingPathsAttributeName
tell CoreText that, black rectangle will not show texts.
Detail picture as below:
Why some text rend at this position? Red rectangle and black rectangle only have a very small area, size only 1px width, why text come out?
Right red rectangle frame is (533, 40, 440, 668)
, right small rectangle frame is (534, 98, 440, 399)
code like that:
CGPathRef textArea;
// An array of clipping paths
NSMutableArray * clippingPaths = [NSMutableArray array];
for (TNPageMedium *medium in self.media) {
NSDictionary *clippingPathDict = @{(NSString *)kCTFramePathClippingPathAttributeName:(__bridge id)path};
[clippingPaths addObject:clippingPathDict];
NSDictionary *optionsDict = @{(NSString*)kCTFrameClippingPathsAttributeName : clippingPaths};
// create frame using texAreaPath, an optionDictionary contains clipping paths
CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter, CFRangeMake(pos, 0), textAreaPath, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)(optionsDict));
// Draw Frame
CTFrameDraw(frame, context);
Looks like your attributedString
is missing paragraph style information.
I guess you created NSAttributedString
from NSString
, and didn't provide kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName
key-value in attributes dictionary.