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How to use PhpWebSocket successfully?

I try to use PhpWebSocket but if I don't add the intended port (say 1234) to httpd.conf (Listen 1234), I get:

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

But if I do add it, I get this error on call to socket_bind:

Address already in use

It's true for any port (I tried several). I use CentOS 6.

Edit 1:

Following Jan Prieser's comment, I removed the Listen 1234 from httpd.conf, and the issue is now:

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

So I guess it can bee SELinux and firewall, but there doesn't seem to be neither of these.


  • PHPWebSocket hasn't been updated since 2010. If you are looking for a PHP based solution I'd recommend looking at Ratchet which is pretty actively maintained.