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Implement a script in a function. Some suggestions?

first of all, i am quite new in Python (an programming area) but i wish to learn and convert a function developed by jwpat7. Given a set of points derived from a convex hull

hull= [(560023.44957588764,6362057.3904932579), 

this script return a print of all possible area following this post problem. The code develop by jwpat7 is:

import math

def mostfar(j, n, s, c, mx, my): # advance j to extreme point
    xn, yn = hull[j][0], hull[j][1]
    rx, ry = xn*c - yn*s, xn*s + yn*c
    best = mx*rx + my*ry
    while True:
        x, y = rx, ry
        xn, yn = hull[(j+1)%n][0], hull[(j+1)%n][1]
        rx, ry = xn*c - yn*s, xn*s + yn*c
        if mx*rx + my*ry >= best:
            j = (j+1)%n
            best = mx*rx + my*ry
            return (x, y, j)

n = len(hull)
iL = iR = iP = 1                # indexes left, right, opposite
pi = 4*math.atan(1)
for i in range(n-1):
    dx = hull[i+1][0] - hull[i][0]
    dy = hull[i+1][1] - hull[i][1]
    theta = pi-math.atan2(dy, dx)
    s, c = math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)
    yC = hull[i][0]*s + hull[i][1]*c    
    xP, yP, iP = mostfar(iP, n, s, c, 0, 1)
    if i==0: iR = iP
    xR, yR, iR = mostfar(iR, n, s, c,  1, 0)
    xL, yL, iL = mostfar(iL, n, s, c, -1, 0)
    area = (yP-yC)*(xR-xL) 
    print '    {:2d} {:2d} {:2d} {:2d} {:9.3f}'.format(i, iL, iP, iR, area)

the result is:

i iL iP iR    Area
 0  6  8  0   203.000
 1  6  8  0   211.875
 2  6  8  0   205.800
 3  6 10  0   206.250
 4  7 12  0   190.362
 5  8  0  1   203.000
 6 10  0  4   201.385
 7  0  1  6   203.000
 8  0  3  6   205.827
 9  0  3  6   205.640
10  0  4  7   187.451
11  0  4  7   189.750
12  1  6  8   203.000

i wish to create a single function with the return of Length, Width, and Area of the smallest rectangle. Ex:

Length, Width, Area = get_minimum_area_rectangle(hull)
print Length, Width, Area
18.036, 10.392, 187.451

my questions are:

  1. do i need to create a single function or two function. ex: def mostfar and get_minimum_area_rectangle
  2. hull is a list of value. Is it the best format?
    1. followint the one function approach, i have a problem to integrate mostfar inside

Thanks in advance

1) solution: one function following the first solution suggest by Scott Hunter, i have a problem to integrate mostfar() inside get_minimum_area_rectangle(). Any suggestion or help are really appreciate because i can learn.

import math

def get_minimum_area_rectangle(hull):
    # get pi greek
    pi = 4*math.atan(1)
    # number of points
    n = len(hull)
     # indexes left, right, opposite
    iL = iR = iP = 1
    # work clockwise direction
    for i in range(n-1):
        # distance on x axis
        dx = hull[i+1][0] - hull[i][0]
        # distance on y axis
        dy = hull[i+1][1] - hull[i][1]
        # get orientation angle of the edge
        theta = pi-math.atan2(dy, dx)
        s, c = math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta)
        yC = hull[i][0]*s + hull[i][1]*c

from here following the above example of jwpat7 i need to use mostfar(). I have a problem to understand how integrate (sorry for the not right term) mostfar in this point


  • Here's an example of how to make it a functor object out of your code and use it -- along with a few changes to some other things I felt were worthwhile. A functor is an entity that serves the role of a function but can be operated upon like an object.

    In Python there's less of a distinction between the two since functions are already singleton objects, but sometimes it's useful to create an specialized class for one. In this case it allows the helper function to be made into a private class method instead of it being global or nested which you seem to object to doing.

    from math import atan2, cos, pi, sin
    class GetMinimumAreaRectangle(object):
        """ functor to find length, width, and area of the smallest rectangular
            area of the given convex hull """
        def __call__(self, hull):
            self.hull = hull
            mostfar = self._mostfar  # local reference
            n = len(hull)
            min_area = 10**100  # huge value
            iL = iR = iP = 1  # indexes left, right, opposite
    #        print '    {:>2s} {:>2s} {:>2s} {:>2s} {:>9s}'.format(
    #                   'i', 'iL', 'iP', 'iR', 'area')
            for i in xrange(n-1):
                dx = hull[i+1][0] - hull[i][0]  # distance on x axis
                dy = hull[i+1][1] - hull[i][1]  # distance on y axis
                theta = pi-atan2(dy, dx)   # get orientation angle of the edge
                s, c = sin(theta), cos(theta)
                yC = hull[i][0]*s + hull[i][1]*c
                xP, yP, iP = mostfar(iP, n, s, c, 0, 1)
                if i==0: iR = iP
                xR, yR, iR = mostfar(iR, n, s, c,  1, 0)
                xL, yL, iL = mostfar(iL, n, s, c, -1, 0)
                l, w = (yP-yC), (xR-xL)
                area = l*w
    #            print '    {:2d} {:2d} {:2d} {:2d} {:9.3f}'.format(i, iL, iP, iR, area)
                if area < min_area:
                    min_area, min_length, min_width = area, l, w
            return (min_length, min_width, min_area)
        def _mostfar(self, j, n, s, c, mx, my):
            """ advance j to extreme point """
            hull = self.hull  # local reference
            xn, yn = hull[j][0], hull[j][1]
            rx, ry = xn*c - yn*s, xn*s + yn*c
            best = mx*rx + my*ry
            while True:
                x, y = rx, ry
                xn, yn = hull[(j+1)%n][0], hull[(j+1)%n][1]
                rx, ry = xn*c - yn*s, xn*s + yn*c
                if mx*rx + my*ry >= best:
                    j = (j+1)%n
                    best = mx*rx + my*ry
                    return (x, y, j)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        hull= [(560023.44957588764, 6362057.3904932579),
               (560023.44957588764, 6362060.3904932579),
               (560024.44957588764, 6362063.3904932579),
               (560026.94957588764, 6362068.3904932579),
               (560028.44957588764, 6362069.8904932579),
               (560034.94957588764, 6362071.8904932579),
               (560036.44957588764, 6362071.8904932579),
               (560037.44957588764, 6362070.3904932579),
               (560037.44957588764, 6362064.8904932579),
               (560036.44957588764, 6362063.3904932579),
               (560034.94957588764, 6362061.3904932579),
               (560026.94957588764, 6362057.8904932579),
               (560025.44957588764, 6362057.3904932579),
               (560023.44957588764, 6362057.3904932579)]
        gmar = GetMinimumAreaRectangle()  # create functor object
        print "dimensions and area of smallest enclosing rectangular area:"
        print "  {:.3f}(L) x {:.3f}(W) = {:.3f} area".format(*gmar(hull))  # use it


    dimensions and area of smallest enclosing rectangular area:
      10.393(L) x 18.037(W) = 187.451 area