I have a table of loan information.
|1 |2012-1-1| 100 | NULL | 219 | 605 | NULL |
|2 |2012-1-2| 100 | 605 | NULL | NULL | 219 |
|3 |2012-1-3| 100 | NULL | 219 | 509 | NULL |
As you can see, user 605 was loaned equipment for one day, then returned it the following day. Then the equipment was loaned to a different user the day after that.
How would I go about trying to find which user which currently has what piece of equipment currently on loan to them, considering that this table has entries that track the movement - including returns across dates.
Any ideas about how to go about this would be appreciated. Pseudo-code, SQL or LINQ are fine too.
If you order the loans by LoanDate descending and then group by EquipmentId
, the first element in each group will be the most recent loan for its EquipmentId
. If the userId
is not null, then that is the ID of the user who currently has the equipment.
var items = from loan in loans
orderby loan.LoanDate desc
group loan by loan.EquipmentId into grp
let userId = grp.First().ToUser
where userId != null
select new { EquipmentId = grp.Key, UserId = userId };