I have this code:
if @art.save
flash[:notice] = "Successfully saved!"
But I need something like this (in russian):
if @art.save
flash[:notice] = "Успешно сохранено в бд!"
Sure it's giving me errors, but are there any ways to use non-english notices in RoR? Or must I use locales? Then how do I translate only that notice? (in html is in .n1 class)
I think you're missing a magic encoding comment. Add this to the top of the file
# encoding: utf-8
Also, a much better way is to use a built-in internationalization api. With it, your code will look like this:
flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:successful_save)
And all your russian strings will be contained within config/locales/ru.yml
and won't cause any troubles in the source code.