Our project takes a long time to compile, so I'm trying the trial version of Incredibuild.
It is made of a solution of about 50 projects.
The thing is, when I compile with incredibuild it doesn't go much faster, it may even last longer some times ...
Here is a screenshot of the graph produced by incredibuild while build a subproject of the solution and it's dependencies, at times it appears to be doing absolutely nothing :
The build without incredibuild took 4 minutes, with it here 5 minutes, most often is falls to 3:30 like in the following case, but still with some gaps:
Any idea what could cause this to happen?
note the problem is the same if I build the whole project
btw the red line is cpu usage, green network in, and blue network out, as reported by incredibuild.
edit: just to be clear and since some people tend to focus on the low compile time of the examples above instead of trying to give a meaningful answer, a full rebuild of the project takes about 1 hour and half
The best thing you can do is to send your log file to the IncrediBuild support team at support@incredibuild.com
In order to extract the log file, please follow the following instructions:
Please mention in your email that Dori referred you to the support department.
Thanks, The IncrediBuild Team.