Looking at the documentation for UGC in Tridion SP1 2011, is it possible to dynamically query for "popular" content - so return all pages or components ordered by rating or number of comments?
The UGC commands seem to deal with comments/rating on an individual page/component - but not querying for content based upon that data.
Is something available in CD Web Service when you install UGC?
I can definitely answer this part of your question:
Is something available in CD Web Service when you install UGC?
Yes. When you install UGC, your CD Web Service will get new collections for these UGC item types:
You can get the most popular items like this:
.../odata.svc/ItemStats?$orderby=AverageRating desc
If you filter it first and then limit the number of results it'll probably result in a slightly faster query:
.../odata.svc/ItemStats?$orderby=AverageRating desc&$filter=AverageRating gt 0.0&$top=5
I expect that ItemStats
are probably also available through the Java and .NET APIs.