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Do you use any 3rd party Data Entry Controls?

In every project, i always build up data entry forms for the Entities. I have googled it a bit and found some controls like Peter's Data Entry Suite ... etc.

Do you ever use these kind of controls and could you please tell me your experiences about using them ?

Thank you


  • For web development I've always had positive experiences with Telerik.

    At the end of the day it comes down to the classic build vs buy. Once upon a time I was consulting for a company and I came across a jr programmer my 2nd day there. Asked what he was working on and he was custom building his own date/calendar picker for ASP.NET. He was basically building something similar to peter's date picker or any other calendar control you find from 3rd party vendors.

    Somewhat taken aback, I asked him how long he had been working on it. 3 weeks was the reply. Now fresh out of college, assuming 40k base salary + 15% overhead (probably low), this guy costs the company $920 a week. So $2760 in productivity costs for a subpar, unfinished date control that could be had for $250 off the shelf. In fact, the entire telerik package ran us something like $800 for a developer license last time we bought. Big waste of time/money rolling your own in that case.