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Backbone: Fetch models in increments

Currently I am fetching a collection that has over 1000 models which has a decent delay. How can I fetch 50 at a time? Also, is it possible to hit a "more" button to fetch another 50 that is not currently there?

Trying to advoid grabing the entire collection at once and have more of a "lazy loading" type of scheme.

Here is my current render method

render: function(){
        var self = this
        var collection = this.collection

            var view = new TenantView({
                model: tenant, 
                collection: collection 
        return this


  • You have to specify {add: true} and your pagination arguments in collection.fetch call. It will append to collection instead of reseting its contents.

    collection.fetch({data: {page: 3}, add: true})

    Then simply listen to collection's add event and append item to your view.

    UPDATE: in the current version of backbone you need to call:

    collection.fetch({data: {page: 3}, remove: false});