I have a simple routing for my website news section. Routing works fine for almost all URL's like
Problem only happens when i try to access website with http://www.abc.com for some reason it redirects it to the custom error page, I am not able track error to source & i cant generate any such error on my localhost.
Code sample
global.asx file
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Ignore("{*allaspx}", new { allaspx = @".*\.aspx(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*allcss}", new { allcss = @".*\.css(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*alljpg}", new { alljpg = @".*\.jpg(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*alljs}", new { alljs = @".*\.js(/.*)?" });
routes.Add(new System.Web.Routing.Route("{resource}.css/{*pathInfo}", new System.Web.Routing.StopRoutingHandler()));
routes.Add(new System.Web.Routing.Route("{resource}.js/{*pathInfo}", new System.Web.Routing.StopRoutingHandler()));
////For News
routes.MapPageRoute("NewsRoute", "{NewsID}/{PageID}/{NewsTitle}", "~/Latest-News-Details.aspx", false,
new RouteValueDictionary {
{ "NewsID", "0" },
{ "PageID", "0"},
{ "NewsTitle", "event-not-found" }},
new RouteValueDictionary {
{ "NewsID", "[0-9]{1,8}" },
{ "PageID", "[0-9]{1,8}" }
Right now i have disabled routing for News Section still it generates error if i leave the above routes code un-commented .
I am not sure what is causing the problem.
how can i handle root for default domain like http://www.abc.com
I would appreciate help in this regards
Resolved issue by creating another route to handle http://www.abc.com
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Ignore("{*allaspx}", new { allaspx = @".*\.aspx(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*allcss}", new { allcss = @".*\.css(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*alljpg}", new { alljpg = @".*\.jpg(/.*)?" });
routes.Ignore("{*alljs}", new { alljs = @".*\.js(/.*)?" });
routes.Add(new System.Web.Routing.Route("{resource}.css/{*pathInfo}", new System.Web.Routing.StopRoutingHandler()));
routes.Add(new System.Web.Routing.Route("{resource}.js/{*pathInfo}", new System.Web.Routing.StopRoutingHandler()));
////For News
routes.MapPageRoute("NewsRoute", "{NewsID}/{PageID}/{NewsTitle}", "~/Latest-News-Details.aspx", false,
new RouteValueDictionary {
{ "NewsID", "0" },
{ "PageID", "0"},
{ "NewsTitle", "News-not-found" }},
new RouteValueDictionary {
{ "NewsID", "[0-9]{1,8}" },
{ "PageID", "[0-9]{1,8}" }
It is strange for me as same routing working for other website with creating another rount to handle such request http://www.abc.com