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Getting strange error while installing AWS SDK via PEAR

I am getting this error while installing AWS SDK via PEAR. I never got this before.

$ sudo pear channel-discover
Adding Channel "" succeeded
Discovery of channel "" succeeded    
$ sudo pear install aws/sdk
Unknown remote channel:
aws/sdk requires package "channel://" (version >= 3.0.2)
No valid packages found
install failed

Can somebody give me a hand.


  • Taken from here:

    Installing via PEAR

    PEAR, which stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository, is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. It is the PHP equivalent of other package management solutions like Yum that install packages system-wide.

    PEAR packages are easy to install, and are available in your PHP environment path so that they are accessible to any PHP project. PEAR packages are not specific to your project, but rather to the machine they're installed on.

    From the command-line, you can install the SDK with PEAR as follows. Note: You may need to use sudo for the following command.

    pear -D auto_discover=1 install

    Once the SDK has been installed via PEAR, you can load the phar into your project with:

    require 'AWSSDKforPHP/aws.phar';