I am trying to generate a list of infinite numbers
So far I got
evenise x | x == 0 = 0
| even x = -x
| otherwise = x
s = foldl (\x -> evenise x) 0 [1..]
However I am getting the error
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a0 = b0 -> a0
In the first argument of `evenise', namely `x'
In the expression: evenise x
In the first argument of `foldl', namely `(\ x -> evenise x)'
I do not understand the error since evenise
takes in an element, and the anoymous function (\x -> evenise x)
also takes in a single element.
You want to use map
not foldl
s = map evenise [0..]
goes through a list and applies the mapped function to each element. foldl
is used for "reducing" a list into a value--for example, adding all the elements in a list can be done like
foldl (+) 0
also, foldl
only works on finite lists, while foldr
(also for reducing) will sometimes work on infinite lists.