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Modelling Access Control in MongoDB

Does anyone have an example of modelling access control in MongoDB? The situation I'm thinking of is:

There are a set of resources, each being their own document (e.g. cars, people, trees etc.).

A user can gain access to a resource through an explicit grant, or implicitly by being the owner of a resource, existing in another collection (e.g. a role) or some other implicit ways.

In one collection.find() method, that could have skip and limit options applied (for pagination), is there a way to check all these explicit and implicit paths and produce a result of resources a user has access to?

In MySQL we have modelled this using a grants table with resource id, granting user id, authorized user id and operation (read, write etc.). We then, in one query, select all resources where at least one subquery is true, and the subqueries then check all the different paths to access e.g. one checks for a grant, one checks for ownership etc.

I just can't wrap my head around doing this in MongoDB, I'm not sure if it's even possible...



  • You can't query more than one document at a time. Ideally, shouldn't access control be a part of the business logic. Your backend php/c#/language ought to ensure that the current request is authorized. If so, then simply query the requested document.

    If you feel, you need to implement the exact same structure in mongodb, which I suggest you don't, then you will need to embed all those fields (the ones from the other mysql tables that help you identify whether the request is authorized) in each and every document of every collection. You will be duplicating data (denormalizing it). Which brings the headache of ensuring that all the copies are updated and have the same value.

    Edit 1:

    Lets talk about Car document. To track its owner, you will have owner property (this will contain the _id of the owner document). To track all users who can 'use' (explicit grant) the car, you will have an array allowerdDrivers (this will contain the _id of each user document). Lets assume the current user making the request belong to the 'admin' role. The user document will have an array applicableRoles that store the _id of each role document applicable.

    To retrieve all cars that the user has access to, you only need to make two queries. One to fetch his roles. If he is an admin, return ALL cars. If he is not, then make another query where owner equals his id or allowedDrivers contains his id.

    I understand your actual use case may be more complicated, but chances are there is a document-oriented way of solving that. You have to realize that the way data is modelled in documents is vastly different from how you would model it in a RDbMS.