I am developing a Android Cell phone application using MonoDevelop for Android and the MapsAndLocationDemo. I am wanting to display some text under each overlay item. I have overridden the Draw method to do this.
Here is my code:
public override void Draw (Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, bool shadow)
base.Draw (canvas, mapView, shadow);
var paint = new Paint ();
paint.AntiAlias = true;
var gp = overlayDetailsForThisOverlay.overlayGeoPoint;
var pt = mapView.Projection.ToPixels (gp, null);
canvas.DrawRect (pt.X, pt.Y, pt.X + 50, pt.Y + 50, paint);
canvas.DrawText("Test", pt.X, pt.Y, paint);
I am only wanting to display the text. However, if I remove the canvas.DrawRect line of code, no text is displayed at all.
Can I please have some help to display some desired text under an overlay item without having a rectangle drawn at all?
try this inside your xml layout