My environment is Glassfish (enable Comet), JDK 1.7.0_07, Atmosphere 1.0.0.RC1, JSF 2.1.10, and PrimeFaces 3.4 on Windows 7.
I am trying out the Counter example (primefaces 3.4 counter)
I followed the steps for manual PF3.4 and I enabled Comet support in my domain.
My servlet configuration...
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
But this example, not works, because haven't comunication between the browsers.
Also, I have the following warnings
WARNING: GRIZZLY0024: Terminate process interrupted.
WARNING: SelectorFactory. Can not create a selector
Anyone, another configuration for atmosphere would lack?
At the moment, there is not a known, working configuration or test case demonstrating that PrimeFaces Push works on Glassfish This has been mentioned, discussed, and realized/experienced by myself and others in the PrimeFaces community.
Please see the following PrimeFaces Push forum topic, where this was discussed; at the end of the conversation, you will see that I migrated to TomEE Plus (tomcat7/OpenEJB), and Atmosphere is working flawlessly, like a champ...finally!
Also, keep your eyes on topics discussed in PrimeFaces Push community forum, as someone might reach/find success using PrimeFaces Push with/on Glassfish
One more thing, I am very much the loyal type, and I wanted to stay with Glassfish 'for life', but I really wanted to use PrimeFaces Push (or Atmosphere), and when I tried and tried, and was not able to reach success with Glassfish, 'and' since I was ready to migrate from JSF maanaged beans to CDI managed beans, and seen/heard that Glassfish/Weld has issues with CDI managed beans, I decided to migrate from Glassfish to Tomcat/TomEE Plus. Now, I'm talking with TomEE/OpenEJB committers, trying to improve the performance of my app to run in TomEE/OpenEJB container.
I only had one issue with PrimeFaces Push on TomEE Plus container, which has already been resolved (yesterday). See/click below.
I am using the PrimeFaces Push FacesMessage (example) in my app. On Glassfish, I developed a similar implementation via p:poll, but now, I finally have PrimeFaces Push FacesMessage implementation working great via TomEE Plus. :)
Hope this helps (you to migrate from Glassfish to TomEE or tomcat as well).