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LINQ Where clause with four &&

I'm trying to create an LINQ Query with 4 arguments in the Where clause. It's a Windows 8 App project and I'm using an SQLite Database. (SQLite implementation )

Here's the code snippet:

public List<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem> retrieveExpenseItems(int month, int year, bool isPaid, StaticResources.FrequencyEnum frequencyEnum)
    List<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem> tmpList = null;

    connection.RunInTransaction(() =>
        var items = from s in connection.Table<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem>()
                    where (s.expenseDateNextPayment.Month == month)
                       && (s.expenseDateNextPayment.Year == year)
                       && (s.expensePaidForCurrentPeriod == isPaid)
                       && (s.expenseFrequencyTypeEnum == frequencyEnum)
                    select s;
        tmpList = items.ToList<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem>();

    return tmpList;

It throws a NotSupportedAction: Member access failed to compile expression Exception

I have no idea what does this mean and how i'm supposed to fix it.

Edit: it works without the where clause therefore the error must be related to this where clause part of the code


  • This is how i solved the problem:

    public List<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem> retrieveExpenseItems(int month, int year, bool isPaid, StaticResources.FrequencyEnum frequencyEnum)
        List<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem> tmpList = new List<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem>();
        connection.RunInTransaction(() =>
            var items = from s in connection.Table<FinancialListBoxExpenseItem>()
                        let convertedDate = (DateTime)s.expenseDateNextPayment
                        where (convertedDate.Month == month)
                           && (convertedDate.Year == year)
                           && (s.expensePaidForCurrentPeriod == isPaid)
                           && (s.expenseFrequencyTypeEnum == frequencyEnum)
                        select s;
            tmpList = items.ToList();
        return tmpList;