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How to get facebook and twitter like gmail webview for android?

I have got a requirement in my app where I want to provide login via google/gmail account.

I have already done it for facebook and twitter usind there respective sdk's (fb-dev app & twitter4j) Now I want to achieve the same for gmail, i.e. a webview that loads when a button is clicked and ask for gmail credentials of the user and on successful login provide me with

access-token / uname / gender etc. basic details or whatever details provided by google.

Before you tell me that every android device has a gmail app configured and so gmail login is not required like fb/twitter. In that case I would want to know how do I achieve this.

API and code snippet would really help. If I can provide the same webview like interface for gmail also then it would be best.


  • You can use Google+ developers API. Look at this project on github and this article.