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Perl: How do I extract certain bits from a byte and then covert these bits to a hex value?

I need to extract certain bits of a byte and covert the extract bits back to a hex value.

Example (the value of the byte is 0xD2) :

76543210 bit position
11010010 is 0xD2
  • Bit 0-3 defines the channel which is 0010b is 0x2
  • Bit 4-5 defines the controller which is 01b is 0x1
  • Bit 6-7 defines the port which is 11b is 0x3

I somehow need to get from the byte is 0xD2 to channel is 0x2, controller is 0x1, port is 0x3

I googled allot and found the functions pack/unpack, vec and sprintf. But I'm scratching by head how to use the functions to achieve this. Any idea how to achieve this in Perl ?


  • What's the initial format?

    my $chr = chr(0b11010010);  # A character  e.g. from read()
    my $bin = '11010010';       # Binary
    my $hex = 'D2';             # Hexadecimal
    my $num = 0b11010010;       # A number.
    my $num = 0xD2;             # A number.

    You want to start by converting it to a number

    my $num = ord($chr);
    my $num = unpack('C', $chr);  # Alternative
    my $num = oct("0b$bin");
    my $num = hex($hex);

    Then you use shifts and masks.

    my $channel    = ($num >> 0) & 0xF;   # Or just: $num & 0xF
    my $controller = ($num >> 4) & 0x3;
    my $port       = ($num >> 6) & 0x3;   # Or just: $num >> 6

    (You could use 0b1111, 0b11 and 0b11 for the masks. Most people work in hex.)

    Or let vec figure out the masks for you.

    my $channel    = vec $num, 0, 4;
    my $controller = vec $num, 4, 2;
    my $port       = vec $num, 6, 2;

    Here's an example for $controller:

          >> 4
    &       11

    (Some zeroes omitted for clarity.)