Search code examples

multiple if statements missing data

Just want to ask why this wont work for me?

I'm trying to bring back data for booking system (or something which like that).

The problem is that it only go to only one if statement and ignore the second one.

Using and trying to connect to MySQL database.

Thanks all...


thanks for answers guys i will try all the problem is that if its not = to let say Monday then it should make the color of the check-box white.

I will try the select case and see.

I did some changes add there checkbox lists that it make it easier. The problem is to clear the checkbox on different days.

    CheckBoxListMon.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
    CheckBoxListMon.Enabled = True

This make the checkbox enabled and not selected but I still cant can't click on them they are disabled.

Anyone have some idea?

        strQuery = "SELECT BookingDate, BookingTime,BookRegUserID,Booked FROM bookings"

        MySQLCmd = New MySqlCommand(strQuery, dbCon)


        DR = MySQLCmd.ExecuteReader

        While DR.Read

            bookDate = DR.Item("BookingDate")
            bookTime = DR.Item("BookingTime")
            bookRegID = DR.Item("BookRegUserID")
            booked = DR.Item("Booked")

            Select Case True

                Case bookDate = lblMonday.Text And    CheckBoxListMon.Items.FindByValue(test) IsNot Nothing

                    CheckBoxListMon.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Enabled = False
                    CheckBoxListMon.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Selected = True
                    CheckBoxListMon.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Attributes.Add("Style", "color: red;")

                Case bookDate = lblTuesday.Text And CheckBoxListTue.Items.FindByValue(test) IsNot Nothing

                    CheckBoxListTue.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Enabled = False
                    CheckBoxListTue.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Selected = True
                    CheckBoxListTue.Items.FindByValue(bookTime).Attributes.Add("Style", "color: red;")
        End While
    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try


  • I think Isee the problem now. You dont want to flip the comboboxes back if they do not match. Lets say you have Monday Tuesday being returned in your result set. The first row will flip monday to true and tuesday to false, the second will set monday to false - which I do not think you want - and set tuesday to true, leaving everything being decided by the last row. The answer is to set them all to false before processing the rows, and only set to true if you get a match, otherwise ignore it.

       CbMon10.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
        CbMon10.Checked = False
        CbMon10.Enabled = True
        CbTue10.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
        CbTue10.Checked = False
        CbTue10.Enabled = True

    While DR.Read

    bookDate = DR.Item("BookingDate")
    bookTime = DR.Item("BookingTime")
    bookRegID = DR.Item("BookRegUserID")
    booked = DR.Item("Booked")
        Select Case True
            Case bookDate = lblMonday.Text And bookTime = CbMon10.Text
                CbMon10.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
                CbMon10.Checked = True
                CbMon10.Enabled = False
            Case bookDate = lblTuesday.Text And bookTime = CbTue10.Text
                CbTue10.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
                CbTue10.Checked = True
                CbTue10.Enabled = False
        End Select
    End While