I am experiencing strange results with Perl's short circuited and, that is &&
I am trying to solve a Project Euler problem where I want a certain number to be divisible by a list of numbers.
if($b%21==0 && b%2==0 && b%5==2){print "Why not?"};
Should print "Why not"
as far as I can see, but keeps silent.
if($b%21==0 && b%2==0 && b%5==0){print "WTF?"};
Should keep silent, but prints "WTF?"
What gives?
As Rohit answered, the solution is to add the $
before the b
. The exact reason it doesn't print "Why not?"
but prints "WTF
" is this: when you give the b
without the $
sign (and without use strict;
in force), Perl treats the b
as the string "b"
. Then when you apply the operator %
on it, since %
is a numerical operator, Perl looks within the string "b"
and checks whether it starts with a number. Since it doesn't, Perl takes the numerical value of "b"
as 0, and then applies the mod (%) operation. 0%5 is 0 and not 2, so WTF
is printed and not "Why not?"