How do I configure an extra folder for sbteclipse to include? I have a default sbt directory layout with an additional it/scala folder. I want that folder to be included in the generated .project and .classpath files, but I don't know how to do that....
You can achieve this for example by adding something like the following to your build.sbt
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <++= baseDirectory { base =>
base / "some/subdir/src"
For details of the relation between unmanaged-sources
, unmanaged-source-directories
and scala-source
you might want to check the documentation. After exporting the eclipse project from sbt, you should find a corresponding entry in your .classpath
file, like:
<classpathentry output="target/scala-2.9.1/classes" path="some/subdir/src" kind="src"></classpathentry>