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How to pass XHTML a rel attr to jQuery function

I have a URL that holds a "rel" attribute that needs to be passed to a jQuery function.

Here is the URL:

<a href="<?php echo $fblikeId; ?>" rel="<?php echo $fblikeId; ?>" ></a>

In a jQuery function I need to retrieve the value of the "rel" tag.

Here is the jQuery function:

jQuery(function($) {    
        'userid': $(this).attr('rel'),

The 'userid' parameter of the above function needs to retrieve the value of the "rel" tag. This above function then passes all that data onto a higher jQuery function which works fine.

What is the best way to retrieve the "rel" attribute of the link? Have tried using "$(this).attr('rel')" but doesn't work.

The above function has multiple nodes. IE There may be multiple calls

jQuery(function($) { 



  • You can't use $(this) arbitrarily in the options object of a plugin function. However you already know the element so there is no need for this; just use the same selector.

    var $fblikes=$('#fblikes');
            'userid': $fblikes.attr('rel'),

    This code assumes that $('#fblikes') is for the <a> tag shown but there is no ID in that html