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Weird garbage production when instantiating Objects in Java

I am profiling the garbage behavior of java.lang.String and it looks like each time you instantiate a string for the first time inside any class it always generate garbage. Would anyone know why?

public abstract class AbstractTest {

    protected static String SERGIO = "sergio";

    private String someValue;

    public void init() {
        this.someValue = new String(SERGIO);

public class Test extends AbstractTest {

    private static String JULIA = "julia";

    private Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    private String anotherValue;
    private String yetAnother;

    private void gc() throws InterruptedException {

    private long usedMemory() {
        return runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();

    public void test() throws Exception {
        this.anotherValue = new String(SERGIO); // a bunch of garbage is created!
        long usedMemory = usedMemory();
        long usedMemoryAfterGC = usedMemory();
        System.out.println("Collected: " + (usedMemory - usedMemoryAfterGC));
        this.yetAnother = new String(JULIA); // no more garbage
        usedMemory = usedMemory();
        usedMemoryAfterGC = usedMemory();
        System.out.println("Collected: " + (usedMemory - usedMemoryAfterGC));

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Test t = new Test();


Collected: 704336
Collected: 0

That 's fine. First time it creates garbage, then subsequent instantiations produce no garbage.

What is weird is when you force a string creation in the superclass, it still creates garbage in the subclass the first time you instantiate a String there:

public void test() throws Exception {
    init(); // creates a String in the superclass
    this.yetAnother = new String(JULIA);
    long usedMemory = usedMemory();
    long usedMemoryAfterGC = usedMemory();
    System.out.println("Collected: " + (usedMemory - usedMemoryAfterGC));


Collected: 348648

Any idea why?

(By the way I am running this on MAC and JDK 1.6.0_37)

EDIT1: I changed the code slightly to make it clear that string internalization is not the culprit here, at least it does not look like it is.

EDIT2: If you change String to Object throughout the code, you get the same garbage so I guess it has to do with how object allocation through new happens in Java. The first time you allocate an object in a class you get the garbage. The second time you don't. Weird it is per class.

EDIT3: I wrote a blog article where I talk about how to force a GC to profile your applications for garbage creation, like I am doing in the code above.


  • After reading Peter's answer here it is clear that TLAB is the culprit. If you use the option -XX:-UseTLAB to disable TLAB the problem goes away. From what I understood from here, it looks like with TLAB a thread allocates a big chunk of memory initially to avoid race conditions later. I was able to prove that TLAB was the culprit by setting a bigger size for it with the -XX:TLABSize=64m and see this amount being allocated.