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Java EE 5 dependency injection?

Since Java EE 5 does not have CDI, how does DI work in here?

Can an EJB be injected with @EJB in a class that is a non-EJB? Can an EntityManager be injected with @PersistenceContext in a class that is a non-EJB (container managed not resource local EntityManager)? Or the only solution to bring the resources in non-EJB classes is by JNDI lookup?

By non-EJB class I mean a class that is not annotated with @Stateless/@Statefull or others.


  • Taken from:

    Keep in mind that a Java EE 5 platform container can handle the injections transparently only when they are used on container-managed components, such as EJB beans, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology tag handlers.

    onjava has an article:

    It presents a readable table of which managed-components (per container) that support injection of what type of resources.