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Can anyone figure out why my carouFredsel doesn't work in Webkit?

I have used carouFredsel many times without problems. But I have one usage of it which won't work for me in Safari and Chrome, yet works fine in Firefox.

Here is an isolated version of it:

I have tidied up the HTML (it currently passes validation) yet the slider still fails.

Any help would be appreciated!!


EDIT: I've also tried using more recent versions of jQuery and the slider


  • If I apply the code after the page is all rendered & loaded, it does work for me. That makes me think that it interferes with either your window.onload or your other document.ready.

    Try to play around with these.

    How I found out:

    1. I put a breakpoint on your $('slider1').carouFredSel({..})
    2. before its execution, in the DOM I changed the ID 'slider1' to 'slider2'
    3. I continue execution of JS
    4. >> jQuery gives a message that slider1 cannot be found
    5. I change the DOM back to 'slider1'
    6. I execute code with $('slider1').carouFredSel({..}) (Using your params)

    It works then.