i'm trying to figure out how to most elegantly integrate something like PHP's nl2br() function into a current project done with JSF2/Spring. I could easily create getters using something like return text.replaceAll("\n","<br/>");
in my model classes, however that does seem like putting view related code where it does not belong. I have the same feeling about storing actual html content in my database.
I guess the cleanest solution would be using tags/EL for this, however i couldn't find something that seemed to do just that. How would you guys implement something like this? Thank you in advance, any hints are highly appreciated!
Use either CSS, assuming that the text doesn't contain any HTML
<div style="white-space: pre">#{bean.text}</div>
Or create a custom EL function and then display it unescaped (Facelets implicitly escapes HTML)
<div><h:outputText value="#{my:nl2br(bean.text)}" escape="false" /></div>
You should only make absolutely sure that it's free of XSS.