I faced this problem while using ActionBar and struggled to find the solution,found it with help from others and a lot of searching.
So, this was the problem, I wanted to display the home button and title in the ActionBar and used
Well this should work theoretically, but it didnt. for some reason the "setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true);" also made the action bar occupy the entire screen.
so i had to solve this problem.
the answer to this was to change the style the actionBar got it from.
i was originally using
<style name="MyActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar.Solid">
<item name="android:background">#000000</item>
Later changed it to
This appears in actionbar Sherlock too, this is where the solution was found.
and this helped solve the problem. So anyone facing a similar scenario,pls try changing the style. Hope this helps.