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Take the oldest file in foreach loop

I have multiple file in a folder with a naming convention


How can I take only one file in a foreach loop which has oldest Date and Time (i.e. oldest DDMMYYYY and HHMMSS). I am restricted to use the foreach loop.


  • Name_MoreName_22012012_SomeNumber_072334.txt
  • Name_MoreName_22012012_SomeNumber_072134.txt
  • Name_MoreName_24012012_SomeNumber_072339.txt
  • Name_MoreName_22012012_SomeNumber_072135.txt

So the oldest file will be


how can i take the oldest file only ?


  • Date Expression:

    SUBSTRING( @[User::Filename], FINDSTRING( @[User::Filename],"_" , 2) +1 , 8)

    OldestDate Expression:

    (DT_I4) (RIGHT( @[User::Date] , 4)+ SUBSTRING( @[User::Date] , 3,2)+ SUBSTRING( @[User::Date] ,1, 2))

    Script Task - I

    Public Sub Main()
            Dim OldestDate As Integer
            Dim CurrentDate As Integer
            OldestDate = CType(Dts.Variables("OldestDate").Value, Integer)
            CurrentDate = CType(Dts.Variables("CurrentDate").Value, Integer)
            If OldestDate > CurrentDate Then
                Dts.Variables("OldestFile").Value = Dts.Variables("Filename").Value.ToString()
                Dts.Variables("CurrentDate").Value = CType(Dts.Variables("OldestDate").Value, Integer)
            End If
            Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
        End Sub

    Script Task - II

    Public Sub Main()
            Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
    End Sub

    enter image description here


    The basic idea here is get the date part i.e. DDMMYYYY and convert it to YYYYMMDD. Now, we can compare which date is greater by simple integer comparision as long as the date is in YYYYMMDD format. We start with comparing the first file's date with 19000101 ( a date well in past) and then as seen in the Script task - I, we assign the OldestFile with the Filename conditionally. The Script Task - II printsout the filename with the oldest date.