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insert specifics js in the header of some pages - active admin

I use active admin and in my app there are different .js that must be loaded in specifics pages (not all).

Following this topic Best way to add page specific javascript in a Rails 3 app? it appears to be easy, but the layout in active admin is compiled.

I have used a workaround to overwrite the footer:

    class ActiveAdmin::Views::Pages::Base < Arbre::HTML::Document
  # Renders the content for the footer
  def build_footer
    div :id => "footer" do
      para "Copyright &copy; #{}- All rights reserved ".html_safe

How can I add some .js in the header of some pages? How with a workaround? (if possible with a "yield :head" or something like that, so I can call it easier from everywhere ;))

EDIT NOTE: the js that i want to include render a highcharts


  • I'm using master branch of ActiveAdmin 0.5.0 (as of 23 Nov 2012) and there is a Arbre builder method within which is working for me.

    show do 
       within @head do
          script :src => javascript_path('somefile.js'), :type => "text/javascript"

    You can see an example of its use in ActiveAdmin::Views::Pages::Base#build_active_admin_head.

    Hope this helps.