How can I multiply two decimals and round the result down to 2 decimal places?
For example if the equation is 41.75 x 0.1 the result will be 4.175. If I do this in c# with decimals it will automatically round up to 4.18. I would like to round down to 4.17.
I tried using Math.Floor but it just rounds down to 4.00. Here is an example:
Math.Floor (41.75 * 0.1);
The Math.Round(...)
function has an Enum to tell it what rounding strategy to use. Unfortunately the two defined won't exactly fit your situation.
The two Midpoint Rounding modes are:
What you want to use is Floor
with some multiplication.
var output = Math.Floor((41.75 * 0.1) * 100) / 100;
The output
variable should have 4.17 in it now.
In fact you can also write a function to take a variable length as well:
public decimal RoundDown(decimal i, double decimalPlaces)
var power = Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(10, decimalPlaces));
return Math.Floor(i * power) / power;