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game size on html

I'm using the latest PlayN version from git, where it was removed the setSize(w, h) method from the platform.

On the Java backend I give my game the desired dimension with:

Config conf = new Config();
conf.width = 720;
conf.height = 600;

JavaPlatform platform = JavaPlatform.register(conf);

I compile to HTML but now I'm not sure how to specify the game size on the HTML platform. I give the #playn-root element a style like this:

  #playn-root {
    height: 600px;
    width: 720px;

And it does resize the div element, but my game it's still all shrinked inside of it (size 300 x 150)

Here's the init code for the game:

root = _iface.createRoot(new AbsoluteLayout(), rootSheet, graphics().rootLayer()).setSize(graphics().width(), graphics().height());

I'm missing something but I couldn't find what to change.


  • this was a bug in PlayN (the OOO fork), it was fixed in