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Simulate browser using cookielib to fetch url in python

I am using cookielib and some times opening a url in browser downloads many other files by browser making many other requests. Can I replicate the same behaviour using cookie lib or any other python library?

For example: To get all the required information from page

I have to make more than 1 GET requests from my python script. I got the request urls of all the requests browser makes by analysing the network requests when I opened the page.

I am seeing if there is any way I can just make 1 request and it fetches all the related requests by itself like browser.

I am not very much interested in the js or css but the main html.

I tried with the following code but it couldn't download whole page

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))

response ='')
html =

but when I fetched 3 other GET urls in sequence it is able to give me the required html in the third GET response. I got these urls by examining network tab of the browser




and following is the complete code for the other fetches I am making

response ='')

response ='')

response ='')
required_html =


  • requests can handle cookies, as you can see here. It's a great library, far more powerful that urllib2, and yet simpler-looking.

    >>> import requests
    >>> r = requests.get('')
    >>> r.cookies

    Edit: This answer dos not really address the problem, I read too fast. Sorry about that. As suggested by @J.F.Sebastian, I'm adding a link to a python webkit client,, that could emulate a browser, as you requested.